Two in three Aussies embrace regenerative sustainability for the future

Karen Pham

Karen Pham


According to What Matters 2024 Report by human-driven consultancy Human8, nearly seven out of 10 Australians agree that regeneration will replace traditional sustainability in the future.

Because of the inadequacy of traditional sustainability, 67 per cent of respondents say humans should make changes to our lifestyle and extend regenerative sustainability beyond the planet. 

They also believe that brands need to be held accountable for taking measures to safeguard the planet’s future (79 per cent).

The research revealed:

  • 70 per cent of Aussies think that people, organisations or brands should join hands with a specific vision to take the initiative and drive changes.
  • Price, availability and education are three elements helping customers to adopt a sustainable lifestyle.
  • While 77 per cent of respondents point out that brands need to provide more information about sustainability efforts, 43 per cent of them find some brands unsuitable as they do not communicate about sustainability.
  • 43 per cent agree that coming up with one’s own methods of doing things is more effective than trying to fit in with societal conventions and classifications.

The report was conducted with 13,028 consumers across 17 markets, including 801 Australians, from October to November last year.

Matthew Jorgensen, senior business director of Human8 Australia, added that the study unveiled “the actions which brands and stakeholders in the Australian market can and must take, to respond to what matters to people.”

Karen Pham

Karen Pham

Karen Pham is a marketing and branding enthusiast with a major in legal English. Based in Ho Chi Minh City, she is a contributor to Viable.Earth.


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