Ikea Australia introduces a $2 plant-based hotdog

Karen Pham

Karen Pham


Great news for Ikea customers in Australia who love the Swedish brand’s moreish hot dogs but are trying to avoid meat: the company has launched a plant-based version of its much-loved hot dogs for just $2.

The plant-based version contains rice protein, carrot, onion, and apple, and has a smoky taste. Ikea says the vegetarian option reflects the company’s commitment to transform 50 per cent of its restaurant meals plant-based by 2025 and create more accessible, appealing and affordable food offerings for customers.

Tim Prevade, food manager at Ikea Australia, said that the new plant-based version of the famous Ikea hot dog is an alternative – the original meat remains on sale.

“We’re helping to introduce more plant-based eating to Australians by making these healthy and sustainable products accessible and affordable, inspiring our customers to make a choice that is better for the planet,” added Tim.

“We’ve spent a lot of time in development to perfect not only the Plant Dog taste, but the texture so it gives the classic ‘snap’ when you bite into it, just like a traditional hot dog.”  

Ikea Family Members can enjoy free plant-based hot dogs and meatballs at the Tempe and Marsden Park stores and the Ikea Plant Dog Truck has been visiting Sydney locations since May.

Ikea plant-based hot dogs are now available at the Ikea Bistro in all 10 Ikea stores Australia-wide.

Karen Pham

Karen Pham

Karen Pham is a marketing and branding enthusiast with a major in legal English. Based in Ho Chi Minh City, she is a contributor to Viable.Earth.


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