Aesop collaborates with Other Matter to apply algae-based window decals

Karen Pham

Karen Pham


Luxury cosmetics brand Aesop has partnered with bioplastic artist Jessie French to transform the windows of 38 stores in Australia and New Zealand with algae-based decals.

This application showcases the shared commitment to finding sustainable solutions and a common interest in considered, nonconformist design. It will soon be launched worldwide.

French develops a repurposed and reused material in the textural decals, leading to a self-sustaining closed-loop system.

According to French, Other Matter’s studio is dedicated to making these sustainable solutions more accessible.

“The Aesop collaboration is an exciting debut for the innovation in decals, which is something I had been working on for a while as a solution to traditional PVC or other non-PVC decals, that are still petrochemical,” she added. 

With the integration of a responsible approach to spaces, products and packaging, this partnership accelerates Aesop’s ambition to reduce environmental impact and drive the company towards becoming a fully regenerative business.

Karen Pham

Karen Pham

Karen Pham is a marketing and branding enthusiast with a major in legal English. Based in Ho Chi Minh City, she is a contributor to Viable.Earth.


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